Hoof Care for Horses

Causes of hooves damage

  • Standing for long pеriods in water or wet footing is one of the top сausеs of hoof proЬlеms.
  • Increased shoeing or trimming interval
  • Poor nutrition or malnutrition also causes damage to hooves.
hoof care for horses
Hoof Crack

Steps to reduce hoof problems

Foot problems are very common in horses. Most of these problems are due to a lack of proper management. Good communication with Ferrier and Veterinarian can help to reduce such issues. Hoof care for horses can be ensured by

  1. Well organized scheduling of shoeing & trimming
  2. Maintain hoof balance
  3. Provide adequate and balanced nutrition.
  4. Avoid frequent transfer of animal from wet to dry area or vice versa.
  5. Provide early treatment, if any infectious disease is found.

Tips of hoof care for horses

  1. Pick out your horse’s feet regularly (before each ride and after you untack him).
  2. When picking feet, notice thrush, abscess, crack, puncture or any other abnormal sign.
  3. Check the frog health, when picking the feet.
  4. Try to remove shifted shoe, it can save your horse from pain and further complications.
  5. Avoid standing of your horse for hours in mud.


Preventive hoof сare, sometimes сallеd natural hoof carе, is characterized by trimming and shoеing for balance, support, and protесtion.

  • Shoes prevent excessive wear.
  • Shoes provide support.
  • Shoes correct gait problems.
  • Shoes can minimize traction.

Hoof Balance

  • A balanced hoof allows the horse to move better and puts less stress and strain on bones, tendons and ligaments.
  • Weather conditions can cause damage to the hoof. During dry weather, or with frequent changes from wet to dry, horses are prone to having dry, brittle feet that easily develop hoof cracks.
  • Prolonged trimming intervals can cause elongated toes, and the hoof wall often develops cracks due to the unsupported hoof wall.


  • Maintaining a horse’s nutrition can help alleviate some hoof problems.
  • Hoof care for horses can be ensured by feeding good quality hay.
  • Supplementing the appropriate amount of vitamins and trace minerals along with feed.
  • Make sure that the horse has constant access to fresh, clean water. It is important for hoof health and overall horse health.